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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

2014-JUN-21 Rev. Oake tandem skydives for the Gander Park

Well he did it! At 92 years young Rev. Oake tandem skydived Saturday [June 21 2014] at the Atlantic School of Skydiving in Cambridge NS in the Annapolis Valley for the Gander Heritage Memorial Park project! Scheduled for about 1030 we all got there about 0930 but the weather did not cooperate with a good ceiling until about 1430 when all suited up ... aircraft took off about 1500 and took about 30 minutes to reach altitude ... the return to earth took about 5 minutes.

This was the first time I [Gerard] had met Rev. Oake a fine pleasant charming spry gentleman for sure and he shook hands with and hugged everyone. The Rev. flew up from Gander with Wilson Hoffe President of the Park and the Rev.'s son Dana flew in from Ontario. Only press with us for the full day was CBC Halifax with Colleen Jones and a cameraman. Colleen and the Rev. hit it off immediately. Besides the CBC's main camera they also had 2 go-pros on the aircraft. All this by the CBC was condensed down to about 2½ minutes and was shown Monday [June 23 2014] at various times during the day on CBC Newsworld, it was also shown locally in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador during the supper hour.

Also the Skydiving School's divemaster had a go-pro strapped to his wrist and a 2nd school jumper also had a go-pro. The videos from the school will belong to the Park.

Photos courtesy of Gerard McCarthy, Mary (Power) MacDonald, Colleen Jones of CBC Halifax and Atlantic School of Skydiving ...

Rev. Oake at the Skydiving School
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake with Colleen Jones CBC Halifax
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake with Wilson Hoffe the Park's Committee Chair
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake with Gander supporter Mary (Power) MacDonald
Courtesy of Mary (Power) MacDonald

Rev. Oake with Gander supporters Mary (Power) MacDonald and Gerard McCarthy the Park's web administrator
Courtesy of Mary (Power) MacDonald

Rev. Oake with the School's Dave (R) suited up as the skies have cleared
Courtesy of Atlantic School of Skydiving

Some last minute instructions
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

And they're off ... it took 30 minutes to reach their altitude of 10,000ft.
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake and Dave getting close
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake and Dave ready to land
Courtesy of Atlantic School of Skydiving

Safely on the ground
Courtesy of Colleen Jones and CBC Halifax

All over!
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake and School's Dave (L) discussing the Rev.'s next jump on his 100th birthday LOL!
Courtesy of Gerard McCarthy

Rev. Oake telling his wife Myrtle home in Gander all about his jump
Courtesy of Atlantic School of Skydiving

Rev. Oake proudly displaying his Canadian Sport Parachuting Association's First Jump Certificate
Courtesy of Colleen Jones and CBC Halifax

Rev. Oake proudly displaying his Canadian Sport Parachuting Association's First Jump Certificate
Courtesy of Atlantic School of Skydiving

Rev. Oake with his son Dana after the jump
Courtesy of Atlantic School of Skydiving

This is my take on Rev. Oake's jump ... the Park Committee will publish a more formal update so stay tuned!

Gerard McCarthy, Web Administrator / June 24, 2014

NOTE*** Donations in honour of Rev. Oake may be made by cheque or money order to: Gander Heritage Memorial Park, c/o Joy Janes, 8 Bachman Place, Gander, NL A1V 1R8. Please indicate your donation is to sponsor Rev. Oake. If you make your donation through the website by Credit Card, please follow-up with an email message to Joy to indicate that you have done so at: This way we will ensure these donations are accredited to Rev. Oake.
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