2014 will be an exciting and busy one for the Gander Heritage Memorial Park as we complete Phases 1-3 in anticipation of the official opening and re-dedication ceremonies scheduled for mid-September.
As Maxine alluded to in her report to the website in December I'm announcing our new fundraising initiative which has already had tremendous success in a very short time! It has been determined by the Engineers that the most appropriate and durable material for the plaza around the base of "Winged Victory" is Newfoundland granite paving stones. These stones, however, are costly and will exceed the estimated budget for materials and it has been determined that approximately 900 are required to cover the area.
I announced at the November 11th Remembrance Day Ceremonies that we would be selling these paving stones at $100.00 each and within 15 minutes 18 stones were already sold. To date $9800.00 has been raised for this part of the project in less than 3 months. Several other commitments have not yet been collected. Consider purchasing a stone in remembrance of each loved one or purchasing a stone for each immediate family members as well as each grandchild. Support so far has been great! We hope to sell all of the 900 stones and your support would be deeply appreciated.
I wish to also acknowledge all donations including the second donation from the Co-op 50/50 Draw (Gander SC Community Charities) of $10,000.00 and another $5000.00 donation from the Gander Shrine Club.
We have added a new section [Plaza Stones Purchases] to our website [Donations page] recognizing those who have already purchased stones and you may purchase stones by simply making your donation in the same manner as detailed on the website and then send a short email to Maxine maxine@briggsaero.com denoting that the donation is for the "purchase of paving stone(s)". Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued by the Town of Gander.
If purchasing a paving stone at $100.00 is beyond your means, every 5, 10, 15 dollar donation helps us reach our budgeted goal, so please contribute what you are able.
Thank you!
Wilson J. Hoffe Chairman / February 11, 2014
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