In these photos are Brianna Blake and Madison Baker of Twillingate. A community competition was held in the schools in this district and these young ladies decided to do their Project about Sgt. Gander. They did a lot of research and interviewed Eileen Elms of Gander and got photos of Eileen and Gander in the early days, which they used in their project. As well they even had a real Newfoundland Dog on hand for the presentation. Well, Brianna and Madison won first place in their class and decided to donate their winnings to the Gander Heritage Memorial Park to go towards the monument of Sgt. Gander. That was certainly a wonderful gesture and we thank them so much. We certainly hope they can be present for the unveiling on July 23rd 2015, and we hope many of you can also attend.

Brianna Blake and Madison Baker of Twillingate with their Project display about Sgt. Gander
(Sorry we have no indication of who's who!)

Brianna Blake and Madison Baker of Twillingate with their Project display about Sgt. Gander
and with their Sgt. Gander stand-in
(Sorry we have no indication of who's who!)
Again, a big thank you to the Gander Lions Club for a $4,000 donation! This is the Club's second donation for a total of $14,000.
Members of the Club gathered at the Park on June 22nd [2015] while President Delores Jones made the presentation to Pat Brazil and Don Stuckless (Lion) of the Park Committee. The Gander Lions Club has been a consistent supporter of the Park and we wish to express our great appreciation to each and every member!
President Delores Jones presenting a cheque to Pat Brazil and Don Stuckless (Lion) of the Park Committee
Maxine Smith & Carol Walsh, Committee Members / June 23, 2015
We now have an updated Donations page and an updated Donations Progress Bar with an updated Ticker on the right. As of June 23 2015 we have achieved 83.9% of our target which amounts to $453,138 of our target total of $540,000. Thank you to all who have donated your time or financial aid ... much appreciated!
On the Donations page I updated sections Small Business Donors and Individual Donors!
Gerard McCarthy / June 23, 2015
- We now acknowledge donations made In memory of. The committee is looking at a plaque of some type to be permanently mounted at the Gander Heritage Memorial Park site acknowledging these individual donations. Both PayPal and the Town of Gander have no means of recording the donation made In memory of. If you want your name to appear as a donor In memory of on this website please email our Site Administrator Gerard at gerard.mccarthy.99@gmail.com or Committee Member Maxine at maxine@briggsaero.com and your donation will be recorded as such and will be shown as In memory of.
- If you don't want your name to appear as a donor on this website please email our Site Administrator Gerard at gerard.mccarthy.99@gmail.com or Committee Member Maxine at maxine@briggsaero.com and your donation will be shown as anonymous.
- You may purchase plaza stones by simply making your donation in the same manner as detailed on this website and then send a short email to Maxine maxine@briggsaero.com denoting that the donation is for the "purchase of paving stone(s)". Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued by the Town of Gander.
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Thank you. Gerard
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