We are so grateful for all the donations to date and we hope 2015 will bring enough donations to finish the next phases of the Gander Heritage Memorial Park, i.e. Sgt. Gander statues, walkway lighting, the memorial wall to Gander's aviation disasters and finally, the water fountain.
I am sure you all agree from the photos that the Park looks absolutely stunning and the comments from around Gander are tremendous. The finishing touches and the other monuments will certainly add to the beauty and serenity of the area.
Thankfully the weather cooperated and much more work was accomplished this fall than anticipated. Thanks to the Town of Gander employees, our benches were assembled and installed in late November – some photos attached. Aren't they eye-catching?
The Park with the new benches!
The Park with the new benches!
We have updated our Donations page with this report and it is significant to note that the $10,000 received from the Gander Co-op 50/50 now gives a total donation of $23,918 from this organization (See also Gander SC Charities). We are extremely appreciative to them and the other charitable organizations for their continued support of the Park.
To all our contributors – Thank You! This project would never have reached this stage without your caring and generosity. We hope that you are full of pride for your accomplishment. You have given the residents of Gander a gift that is timeless! We hope Gander residents will visit the Park often and for those of you who live away, we hope when you return home you will make a visit to the Park top priority.
Maxine Smith and Carol Walsh, Committee Members / December 26, 2014
We now have an updated Donations page and an updated Donations Progress Bar with an updated Ticker on the right. As of December 26 2014 we have achieved 82.4% of our target which amounts to $445,138 of our target total of $540,000. Thank you to all who have donated your time or financial aid ... much appreciated!
On the Donations page I updated sections Small Business Donors, Individual Donors and Plaza Stones Purchases!
Gerard McCarthy / December 29, 2014
- We now acknowledge donations made In memory of. The committee is looking at a plaque of some type to be permanently mounted at the Gander Heritage Memorial Park site acknowledging these individual donations. Both PayPal and the Town of Gander have no means of recording the donation made In memory of. If you want your name to appear as a donor In memory of on this website please email our Site Administrator Gerard at gerard.mccarthy.99@gmail.com or Committee Member Maxine at maxine@briggsaero.com and your donation will be recorded as such and will be shown as In memory of.
- If you don't want your name to appear as a donor on this website please email our Site Administrator Gerard at gerard.mccarthy.99@gmail.com or Committee Member Maxine at maxine@briggsaero.com and your donation will be shown as anonymous.
- You may purchase plaza stones by simply making your donation in the same manner as detailed on this website and then send a short email to Maxine maxine@briggsaero.com denoting that the donation is for the "purchase of paving stone(s)". Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued by the Town of Gander.
NOTE*** Your comments are welcomed!
However, all comments will be queued for review before being published and name=anonymous will be deleted unless your name is included at the end of your comment! This is to prevent spam, etc.
Before you click Publish your Comment please click on Name/URL and enter your full name. Don't forget the scrambled words - this is so automated spams cannot be dumped here!
Thank you. Gerard
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